Thursday, October 17, 2013

Kelowna Kitchen Renovations

Kelowna Kitchen Renovations

repurposed wood backsplash

Kelowna kitchen renovations these days are becoming more and more common place. Homeowners are realizing that they can stay in their home and have that dream kitchen they have always wanted.

If you stay with the same layout for plumbing and electrical a kitchen renovation can be quick and painless. Keeping the same layout also allows you to spend money on nicer cabinets rather than paying for expensive plumbing, venting, or electrical work.

Green kitchen renovations are a real possibility these days with many products readily available. Let’s divide the work roughly in two,

one half being the new cabinets and counter tops, the second half being the disposal of existing cabinets, and any modifications to wiring or plumbing, drywall etc. (Please note that new plumbing and electrical work requires a permit. Not getting one could render you liable should a problem occur. )

Bamboo Cabinets

First the cabinets. There are woods available that are considered to be environmentally friendly -- these would be used for doors and facings. Examples could be pine beetle wood, Wenge, (looks like ebony) or woods from as common as birch, alder, walnut and cherry from sustainable forestry operations. The big “green wood” gaining popularity now is bamboo. There are coatings for the wood that are also green. These coatings may contain no VOCs (volatile organic compounds), or be clear without additives and tints.

Second, inside the cabinets. Some manufactures offer products that are made with bamboo or other renewable resources. Finally, the counter tops. These can also be green. Some options include:

Wenge wood natural beauty
● Recycled glass (looks like ceaser stone)

● Composite compressed paper (sounds strange, but looks amazing)

● Recycled aluminum

● Reclaimed wood

The Renovation

Looking at the work around the cabinets, have your contractor make sure that all wire or copper plumbing pipe, drywall, and wood scraps are separated and recycled. The old cabinets can be reused for storage in garages, workshops etc. Place a free ad in Castanet or a local classified service and watch them walk out the door. Remember a great way to be green is to reuse and avoid the energy required to recycle. Reusing and renewing should be your first choice.

This might all seem a bit daunting, so hire a contractor that cares about our planet. At Greenwave Construction we will guide you through the process of green kitchen renovations in a friendly helpful manner. We are the only smart choice for your project.

How to install a new bathtub

How to install a new bathtub (one piece acrylic tub)


   Wow this sounds like a big job! But that big bone colour thing is so outdated. Wouldn't one of the new soaker tubs with nice tile look great! You bet it would!

So here you go step by step. First decide what quality level new tub you want . If you get one at home Depot or Rona you'll save money but it may not be the same quality as that found in a new home. These stores cater to the home improvement market not the new home construction market. Most new homes have there fixtures supplied through the wholesale plumbing industry companies like Woolsey, Andrew Sherrit, and Bartle and Gibson to name a few.

To purchase here you will have to go through a plumber or a contractor.  For this project , lets pick this choice, because its really the right way to go. Cheap tubs can loose there finish, flex, and crack.
   So lets hire a plumber and order a good tub 30" by 60" so it will fit in the old space.

Now your going to need tile . Either you buy tile and do it yourself our you go to a tile store, select tile, and have them install regardless time to go shopping.

 Ok so now shopping's done you’ve selected tile, hired a plumber, and  picked a tub.*
Now order it all! Get delivery dates once all the materials are here .not on there way.

    What did you learn so far? Well you have hired trades and scheduled them, bought  materials and fixtures, ordered them had them delivered and set up a schedule. All this before you start! This is what contractors do. This is the right way.
Next : set you schedule See below. Typical one week schedule.

 Now start the Reno.

Monday cut out tub and haul away

  Now lets take out the tub. You'll need a reciprocating  saw with a short medium fine blade .You can rent one if need be.

  Turn of the water to the house.(Just in case).  Then carefully begin cutting out the tub. start high on the wall in the middle cut down across and up towards you basically cutting the tub in half. Now quarter the tub cutting aging these pieces in half . Avoid the drain and tap area for now.  Take a razor knife an cut 1 1/2 inches away from the tub all around it .you have to get at the flange. remove drywall from this area then any mounting screws you may find. You should be able to start removing sections of the tub now. Cut around the drain and the taps leave them on until the plumber comes tomorrow .He will remove these.

 Tuesday plumber comes and installs tub. You may have to remove the toilet and some drywall to get it in but often it will slide in. Check behind where the tub was and make sure the framing is true usually it is but not always . They had a big fibreglass tub in there so there might be corner framing missing . It could be poorly framed . Rectify before drywall. Usually the new tile will cover the drywall replacement but if not delay the sequence until the exposed drywall is properly filled sanded and painted.

wend drywall install and waterproofing

Thursday ( nothing) this is a slack day in schedule in case anything goes wrong leading up to this day you have a day to get things straightened out.

Friday have tile install scheduled to begin allow three days total *2

 Monday tile grout

Tuesday tile seal and caulking

Wednesday plumber is back to install finish

Odds and sods new shower curtain rod.  (curved are nice) curtain or perhaps a custom frameless glass enclosure ?

  Material and tool checklist
Ok so next honey...
 These are the main items
reciprocating saw with fine blade and extension cord
multi driver
razor knife
 two sheets waterproof drywall
drywall screws and screw gun
straight edge
tape measure
tile cutter either wet saw or snap cutter
tile adhesive ,adhesive applicator
grout sponge
grout trowel
bucket water
tile nippers
tile drill bit for tap locations
grout mixing paddle for drill.

*  Plumbing note
Since you are doing all this work replace the old taps and diverter they should be selected at the same time as the time fro the wholesaler.

 if your doing the tile yourself.  and you need tiling info, go online there's plenty of recourses out there .

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Kelowna Carriage House Construction

Although the days of the horse and carriage have long ago slipped into history, in the past, the term “carriage house” described a building for the housing of carriages, coaches and the like. These structures commonly had servants’ quarters located above them. As the years went by the carriages evolved into automobiles and the servant quarters in many cases have become secondary suites used for a variety of purposes.

This Carriage Home Shows the design possibilities

Today the term carriage house is commonly used to describe a small home located in the rear yard of an existing home. This home can be used as a mortgage helper, for extended family or for visiting guests. These days carriage houses have made a big comeback. Many municipalities are now allowing carriage homes in their zoning. Cities have seen this zoning as an opportunity to increase density, and their tax base without installing additional services for these residences. Carriage homes can also serve to reduce urban sprawl.                               

Kelowna carriage homes offer a wonderful opportunity to get that mortgage helper or keep a family together as it grows or allow a family to move back closer together. If you are curious as to whether or not you can erect a carriage home just check with your municipal building department. They will sit down with you, answer your questions and make suggestions. There are certain setback and parking requirements that must be met. It is also prudent to enquire about your water, sewer, gas and hydro services; they may be required to be upgraded to allow for the proposed development.


Recently, Greenwave Construction actually built a carriage house on top of a home as a penthouse suite (see our video series )  because the lot did not allow for the carriage home to be built in the rear yard. The home had a flat roof and the end result is a real head turner. With the home receiving a new cladding it now looks like a new home. Another option could be to attach the carriage home to the existing in the form of an addition; this can save space as well.

If you are considering a carriage home or another construction project for your home or business please give Greenwave Construction a call; we want to help. Our 30 years of experience in construction management can save you time and money. We will produce a high quality project at a down to earth price. Today’s mortgage money has never been cheaper and financial institutions usually look favorably upon revenue properties. Carriage homes rent well and are favoured by many as an alternative to suites and condos.

How To Find A Kelowna Renovation Contractor


 Finding Your Own Contracting Super Hero.

The spring is about to begin here in the beautiful Okanagan Valley and as we all awaken from our winter hibernation thoughts turn to the home renovation project. Maybe it was a resolution or a long term plan, in any case where do you start?

The first thing to establish is a budget. The second is who is going to run this project. Both of these important facets of your project go hand-in-hand.

Who is a good candidate for the owner/contractor job?

If you decide to go it alone and be your own contractor, you must establish your own budget. Let’s talk about this step first.
Ask yourselves, these questions:
Am I available during the day when all the work takes place?
Am I highly organized and have good people skills?
How much do I know about home renovations? (Watching renovation shows on TV does not count!)
Am I a good negotiator?
Can I run a project?
How much time do I have to devote to this endeavour?
Can I get the same pricing as a builder?
Can I find good trades people?
Do I know how to recognize a good trades person, or supplier?
Now let’s discuss hiring a contractor.

If you hire the right contractor ?

David Federici at work supervising a Large project
Here is what you should expect to get. All the above items are no longer your problem. You now have an expert to do all of these tasks for you! What a relief. Sounds a little too easy doesn't it? If that's how you feel, you're right, it’s not quite that simple. How do you find this superhero of construction? I'm going to describe the right contractor to you, to help you identify the ideal candidate.


The qualified contractor will have

 A business licence
 A proven track record with references (that are not family relations)
 WCB coverage.
 A Tax number.
 Pictures of completed work
 A trade certification
 An Homeowners Protection Office certification
 Will have been in business for at least three years in the Okanagan
 A suppliers and trades-person team that they work with regularly.

 He should be in the Infotel Yellow pages directory. If the contactor has been a around a while, he will be listed.
To find your contractor I would used your computer and search for Kelowna home renovation contactors.

The contractor should have a website. You can do some research now anonymously and will be able to weed out bad eggs quickly. Look for the 2-5-10 year warranty being offered, testimonials and who the actual builder is. Nothing is worse that a fancy website that does not tell you anything about the person running the show.

Here is something I feel I should mention.

The Better Business Bureau directory does not have the expertise to evaluate the skill level or qualifications of a contractor. Truth is most new companies can start a business and join the BBB. The BBB is a good idea but the problem is primarily this: Most people will never call them and complain about a business; therefore you get a false sense of security.

 What you want to see is that the contractor is a licensed builder in the province of British Columbia and can offer the Home Owners Protection Warranty.
A well crafted job is a beauty to behold

These contactors are your "A" list builders. They have taken the time to prove experience, financial viability, stability, and that they have a clean record as far as any claims ever made against them of company's they’ve managed. Your project may not require the home warranty if it is a small renovation, however your builder is fully qualified and chances are they will stand behind their work to protect their reputation. A licensed builder will also be able to obtain better pricing on materials than a homeowner and have a team of qualified trades and suppliers to help you produce a fine quality project. So your costs may not be that much more than if you do the job yourselves.

 I hope this article will help consumers make the right choice when picking a contractor. My company, Greenwave Construction, has as its’ core value the protection of the consumer.

We feel we owe our clients a duty of care and attention if we are selected as their contractor. Greenwave is a solid licensed builder and we support all legislation that helps protect consumers from substandard workmanship or business practises. I hope you find this information helpful.

Good luck with your project!

David Federici

Owner, Greenwave Construction



Saturday, February 16, 2013

Kelowna Building Contractor

Greenwave Construction is a fully licensed Kelowna Building Contractor*. This  locally owned Kelowna home construction company is run by one of the most experienced construction managers in the Okanagan Valley. He is the owner and guiding force of Greenwave, David Federici .

Timeless Greenwave Quality

  Over his long career David has gained 30 years experience in the residential construction industry as a project manager and site superintendent. All contracts fall under his direct supervision. David believes the best place to guarantee a project's success is in the field. David's qualifications as a red seal master carpenter make him the ideal choice to steer a project clear of any difficulties. David has been at the helm of projects that have received provincial and national recognition.


  David's hand-picked team of local suppliers and contractors guarantee high quality fittings, finish and durability.

With Greenwave your project will be run on a tightly managed construction schedule and budget. You will be kept informed and advised every step of the way.

The Attention To Detail Shows
 Greenwave offers complete  services from design through construction to completion. We have partnered with top notch local design professionals to allow us to fit the right client with the right designer. Bring your ideas, sketch's, or renderings and we will transform your drawings into blueprints.

  If a client has already taken these steps and has a finished plan we will be more than happy to execute their design to their individual standards guided by our experience and eye for quality and detail.

 If  you are thinking of a  new home or a major renovation think of David Federici and his team of dedicated professionals.  Make a call or email to Greenwave your first stop on your home building journey.


* How A Contractor Becomes A Builder


  New home construction  in the province of British Columbia is a tightly regulated Industry. To build homes in this province the contractor must become a licensed builder in the province of British Columbia.

  In order to obtain a licence the contractor approaches a warranty provider, and applies to obtain government mandated insurance coverage to protect the consumers purchasing the builders units.

  This requires the contractor to prove financial stability and integrity and display thorough experience in the home building industry. If approved the builder can then apply to obtain their builder licence from The Home Owners Protection Office.


  As a new home builder in the province of British Columbia Greenwave Construction has completed these steps. Consumer protection has always been one of our core values and we the salute the legislation that tightly controls the industry.