Monday, October 27, 2014

Women in Trades  

Look out boys there coming!

 Time to ring the bell for the pioneering ladies who are making inroads into the trades. I didn’t realize how little the general public realized this was happening. It hit home when I ran into a particularly uninformed perspective lady customer who told me this story.

  “I called a contractor to do my hardwood and when the installer came they sent a woman! I could not believe my eyes! I blurted "do you know what you are doing? She had a man helper!" I could not believe it! I watched her all day, in the end she did a really good job. She even took the nosing’s home and stained them to match the floor!”

 I have been in the supervisory role in the construction industry for 30 years. I am quite aware of the abilities and special skills women can bring to a job site. What shocked me was the level of ignorance from another woman. I guess someone needs to let the world know what’s going on.

  Although on average in the building trades women only make up 3% of the trades work force (once we take away hair dressers and chefs). These women are a force to be reckoned with. With few exceptions there attendance is better, they are on time, well organized, and dedicated. When they complete a job they clean up after themselves (guys are you listening?)  In general help keep those around them organized as well. Good habits usually rub off. They set a good example. What they lack in physical strength they make up for in attention to detail and dedication.

  I had a woman come to work for me who would have her husband come at lunch so she could nurse her baby in the car over lunch. Try that one boys! She was by and far my best team member.

 I would strongly encourage women to investigate the building trades. There are many jobs that pay well and suit the women of today to the tee. Today’s tradesperson is intelligent dedicated well trained and desires to be well paid for their efforts. Its time more women join the already setting such a great example and show the boys how it’s done.
David Federici
Owner Greenwave Construction
Kelowna Home Building Contractor


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